Saturday, August 25, 2007

Glimpses of the Konkan!

cool headgear!

the mighty sahayadries!

the bamboo house

bamboo columns

bamboo amidst the slash pines!

the malvan fort!

huts! no watch carefully... boats!

sun, sea and sand


The Konkan in the backdrop

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The land of Lions!

The miniature city at the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). A great learning place for all!Streets - CBD. The Stalagmites of Singapore
Building Skins!
Water and architecture in the city
An Urban Park squeezed in between the back lanes of China Town
China TownOrchard Road - The mall place of Singapore
Beehives for all!Riverside Village. An urban design scheme!
URA! the city architect
National Library - Ken Yang's tropical skyscraper
VIVO City!
Sculpted bronze! Orchids!
@ the zoo! @ the zoo!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Sketch after years!

The Tambadi Surla Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and built in the 13th century with a stone called calcopyrite schist in simple words Soap Stone!